Thursday, December 30, 2010

Make a joyful noise!

We hope you had a wonderful Christmas this year!
We decorated Everything including the lights

 Family is the best part of the holidays for me. This is our boys and their Great Grandpa- my papa Don
And tons of presents
This is Luke's new gun from his uncle Cameron. 

I painted a few paintings for my family. This was my first time working with oil paints so please don't be to harsh! ;)
This one was for my father. I also made a De Colores cross for my mother and a Tiffany blue themed cross for my sister. 

And the best part of this December.. It snowed!!
Our first and probably only fluffy snow here in Texas

We hope you have a wonderful and very blessed new year! With love the Reeds!

An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves.
Bill Vaughn 

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