Saturday, February 5, 2011

Good bye January

What a month we had!  It's hard to believe January is over. We were so busy and It flew by so fast! 
We took a trip to Red River NM for a few days and Alex learned to ski!
 He was so proud of his Orange Boots!
 Pointing to the Lifts
 Theres Mommy!
Time for a break!

Daddy and Luke all bundled up

 Evan and his brother Cameron going for up for a run while Alex was resting
 Going on up!
 Evan flying back down
 Apple doesn't fall far from the tree...
 Luke decided it was too cold!
We all had a great time and cant wait to go back again next year! Maybe then Luke will get to learn and will have more fun!

We also took a trip to Dallas! Evan's Grandpa was honored with the Farmer's Union Pioneer Award.
 During the slide show Evan's mom played a song for both Granddad and Grand-mom. 
Grand-mom's song was Handful of weeds. The daughters brought her a bouquet of weeds and then roses. It was so sweet! 
 Granddad receiving his award
 View from our room that night!
 So Pretty!

We were also blessed to have some very dear friends come stay with us for a couple of days! Mr. Taylor and Mrs. Jessi Norvell
Theres no better way to get to know someone than lots of Wii Mario, home cooked food and late nights!
Myself and little Natalie 
Alex already loving on her! 
Taylor was awesome at coming up with random games to do with the boys!
This was "Flashlight"! So simple but Alex Loved it!!
We didn't get as many pictures taken as we would have liked, but we did end up with tons of memories and a wonderful friendship! We are so blessed that god has placed such an extraordinary couple in our lives! I cant wait to see our kids grow up together!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for mentioning the Pioneer Award on your blog. It was a very special time for all of us and I am very grateful that you guys came when you were feeling so bad (all of you), it meant a lot to me.


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