Jumping right into it
With the anti bullying stuff that's going around I think we all need to step back and look at the differences between "bullying", and what it means to tease or pick on someone. What kids today go through is very different from years ago when everyone received and gave some teasing and they learned how to be bigger, better people. Today kids are getting kicked and punched and encouraged to fight from other kids. It doesn't just stop with one black eye, they are putting each other in hospitals.
When I personally see one child physically hurting another and doing it intentionally with malice, I WILL stop it however I can. Even if my own children are not involved, it hurts me to see such anger and ill will. I have big enough shoulders to handle angry parents and ugly comments. My heart is what hurts when others let it continue and say "they are just kids" or see it and do nothing and are thankful it didn't happen to their child.
That's the problem it happens to one child, they do it to the next because they don't understand and it spreads and grows like an ugly disease.
Now this isn't to say that words won't hurt you. They truly can.
I long for the days when the words "it takes a village to raise a child" were spoken and truly believed.
I'm not saying we need to be soft and squishy on our kids either. Discipline and guidance from a child's parents, family, & teachers is critical in raising a child. Being an example to a child will set in stone everything you have taught them. Children do as they see and say what they hear. (Take TV for example)
Am I saying I'm the perfect parent, not at all. I've made many mistakes.
However each mistake was a learning point for all 4 of us. I am so proud of my boys. When we are out and strangers comment on how well behaved they are, it reminds me that I'm doing the right thing. Do they act out when we are not around, I'm sure all children do. That's when I wish the village should step in.
They get tired like other children and get frustrated but that's another learning time. A time to learn to control and work through the hard emotions. I have the hardest time with words and sayings they bring back home from school. Hearing my 5 year old say the word "sexy" puts me on end. We cut off the tv altogether before our oldest (who's now 7) was in pre-k so the boys wouldn't be subject to such words and behaviors. It pains me that other parents are not aware of the ramifications of such behavior. I hear complaints about how sexual little girls are and they wonder where they get such ideas. Look at the Victoria secret commercials or the "cartoons" that are on now. Jessica rabbit used to be scandalous but now she'd be considered a clothed old woman. When a 6 year old's doll has on a skirt that doesn't cover her rear and boots up to her thighs, what do you expect her to want to wear. As a child I loved it when I could match my doll... Good ol cabbage patch thank goodness. As I told all the young ladies I subbed for- "Be a lady even when others are not"
We are still learning here in our house and I'm sure we will come across more difficulties. I hope we will one day have an awaking in the U.S.A. of the responsibilities of being a parent, an aunt, uncle, friend, and leaders to our children. They are our future, if we don't like how they act now, how could we when they are older?
Old cranky woman
P.s. I've got more on spending actual time with your kids too
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