Saturday, November 27, 2010

Simply Crafty

Im going to be making a tree skirt and stockings to match the new curtains with what else- More gingham! I also fell in love with the white rose print too but until I get my trim in I will just have to wait and work on some other projects!

Bean Vase fillers
This is one I've seen on Rachel Ray and Hgtv. It has been used for weddings, birthdays, and I plan to use it for Christmas this year to go with my green and white theme!

Items: Flowers, beans of any color, and a Vase
Something I learned is to put your flowers in first!
It may seem harder but this way you wont mess up your layers like I did! 
 I also made a plain white one for our bathroom
Simple, easy, and super inexpensive! Gotta love that! Now its time to work on the menu for Alex's birthday party! Hope you have a great week!

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