Thursday, February 24, 2011

Oh praying for spring!

I can not wait for the warm weather to arrive and stay for good! Normally I love winter but year has been to dry and with to many people ill. Ugh!
However, It was gorgeous yesterday so I took the boys out to play for the afternoon!

While we were out I looked over most of the trees and found this...

One of our cherry trees is already putting off buds! It so pretty but we think they are coming out to early and we may not get any fruit this year.  But fingers crossed all will be fine!
Hope you are having a great week! 
With Love, 
Alex, Luke, Christine and Evan

1 comment:

  1. Wish I could have made it to the banquet, looks like you all did a wonderful job. Hate that Luke was sick, hope he is feeling better. And I too am keeping my fingers crossed. Hope to see or hear from you soon.


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