Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What to do with time by yourself?? Crochet!

Evan is off for a business trip until Friday, So it will be just the boys, the dog, and I piddling around, crocheting, and organizing toys until daddy gets home! We made a flying trip to Amarillo this morning at 6am-- yes 6AM! and we were back in pampa by 11:30! 
We got to Joanns at 8 but they do not open until 9. So we spent an hour wandering around target as they were the only store we could find open. I guess it was good because we were able to get just about all we needed there and made the trip much shorter! Nothing like shopping with kids ;)
Our trees survived the cold spell we had and hopefully we wont have to many more! I cant wait to see the grass coming up! We have our hotel rooms booked for my sister's graduation in may! It will be the first time for all of us to be in Michigan and it will be right in the middle of a Tulip festival so even better! Oh yea did I mention that she gets to blog for Hope? :D

Hubby just popped up on skype so Ive gotta Go! 
Hope the rest of your week is wonderful!
Love, Christine

A wise man speaks because he has something to say; a fool because he has to say something ~ Frequently attributed to Plato, but not apparently found in his work

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